To contact me for business matters, you can reach me at my email address veocorvabooks(at) I’m usually pretty quick to respond.

About Me
Some things about me:
- I’m in love with game mechanics! This means that I don’t just write fiction — I also dabble with gamedev and writing tabletop rpgs!
- I trained in and adore animal behaviour and spend a lot of time studying wildlife. A particular area of wonder for me is birds; an area of comfort is pets.
- I’m autistic and this has been a big revelation for me and explained a lot about my life. I didn’t get diagnosed until I was 26 but it turns out basically everyone else already knew!
- I’m queer! I’m asexual and biromantic/panromantic, which is why you’ll see so many asexual protagonists in my fiction. I’m also agender (non-binary) and love portraying non-binary characters. My pronouns are they / them.
- If you hear me talking about my familiar, don’t panic: that’s my cat, Merlin. As far as we can tell, I’m the more demonic of the pair. He’s a very good witch’s companion.
I write about what fascinates me. Sometimes that is taking something that scares me and making it familiar (like necromancers). Sometimes that’s the idea of taking your friends with you on your fantasy adventure, and what that looks like. And often that’s finding value and joy in smaller stories with lower stakes.
If you want to get to know me, I never shut-up on Mastodon and I stream cosy video games twice a week on Twitch. Visit me at either: I’m quite awkward but always happy for someone to say hello!
Note: I was formerly known as Victoria Corva, so you may see references to that name on this site and around the web.