Moonlight Encounter

The couple spotted the monstrously fluffy cat striding purposefully toward them across the moonlit street.

The first tapped his partner. ‘Cat!’

‘Yes, I see it.’ He sighed dramatically, but couldn’t quite hide his smile. He knelt down as the cat approached. ‘Here, kitty.’ He held out his hand.

At his movement, the cat veered away.

‘Uh … kitty?’

The cat stopped and flicked its tail. ‘Sorry,’ it yowled over its shoulder. ‘Thought you were somebody else.’

The couple looked at each other. ‘Full moon,’ said the first.

‘Must be new at it,’ said the second. ‘I haven’t shifted involuntarily in years now.’

The first leaned close and plucked at his jacket. ‘I wish you’d shift more often. I always wanted a dog.’

More mastodon microfiction! Image by monicore from Pixabay, used under Pixabay License.

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