Hey, we haven’t had a #VicorvaStorytime in a while!
It’s time for a wholesome baby queer story!
Have I ever told you about my sibling and the not-a-date?
My sibling was maybe fourteen at the time and they were in full-on BTS obsession. They were BTS Army, they were obsessed, they day-dreamed about being a back-up dancer, and they were just encountering the complicated ‘do I like you or want to be like you?’ gender feels of someone who would realise they were genderfluid before the year was out.
Excitingly, a BTS documentary was going to be shown at our local cinema. They were ecstatic. But it was a long way for them to go. Would perhaps Joh be willing to go with them, so that they had a lift?
Now Joh, my partner and their sibling-in-law for so long that the division between ‘in-law’ and actual sibling had become purely a technicality, was of course delighted. Joh is always willing to jump on a bandwagon and dived into BTS fandom with delight. My sibling made them matching BTS bracelets to wear on the day.
It was all going great. My sibling was ecstatic. They decided they were going to pay for a friend to go with them as well.
But then, a few days before the film: sudden awkwardness.
My sibling asked Joh, ‘Would you be okay not to sit with us?’
Joh, puzzled: ‘Yeah, that’s fine.’
My sibling seemed oddly relieved. They’re comfortable with Joh, but I supposed they were a teenager and teenagers can be weird about things like that.
‘Who’re you going with?’ I asked.
‘It’s got to be their best friend,’ said another sibling. ‘She’s a huge fan.’
‘Oh, this girl,’ said my sibling, very casually. ‘We used to be friends. I just think she’ll like it more than my friend.’ They paused, blushing furiously. ‘It’s not a date.’
Every sibling in the room suddenly froze as we took this in. ‘Okay,’ I replied, determined not to draw attention to this.
When Joh returned from the cinema — having had a lovely time making friends with some mothers of BTS fans — my first question was, ‘So what did the not-a-date look like?’
Joh laughed. ‘Oh, you know — pink hair, beanie hat with spikes, huge glasses.’
We smiled knowingly at each other.
And that’s the story of how Joh was present for one of my teen sibling’s dates.